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With a passion for languages, I am at ease in German, French and English. I understand the subtleties of French and English and deliver a translation that sounds and feels German, both in terms of language and culture.
German mother tongue, copy writing, professional experience in German market



  • Mother tongue, author of stories for children, short stories and poems in German (non-published).
  • Winner of a poetry contest broadcasted by a regional radio station (SWF4) at the age of 14.
  • Copy writing: press releases, advertisements in German.
  • Extensive professional experience in the German market (mechanical engineering, cosmetics, tourism, pharmaceutical industry).
France country of residence and workplace, French diploma DALF C2



  • France as country of residence and workplace for over 18 years, French husband and half-French children.
  • French diploma DALF C2 (certificate of proficiency in French, highest degree).
Career in exports and market research in English, English translation diploma



  • English, along with German, as language of instruction during my studies of Business Administration (Economics and International Marketing taught in English).
  • English as most important language during my entire career in exports and market research. Presentations and marketing reports in English.
  • Numerous translations from English into German and vice versa.
  • Training course on translation of general texts from German into English/ English into German at AKAD Kolleg, Germany (C2 language level).


Skype: ilse.letsch


Linkedin: Ilse Letsch

© 2013 Ilse Letsch. 
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Credits: medical/marketing visuals by Pixabay 

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